Remember us in your will
By remembering SJT in your will, your memory will live on through our very special work on stage and in the community.
Leaving a gift of just 1% will make a great difference
Leave a lasting legacy and secure the future of your theatre by including us in your will. No matter how big or small, a gift is a wonderful way to make sure your spirit and passion for live theatre live on. And it’ll let us inspire generations to come in our beautiful building that’s given you so much joy. Plus, we’re a registered charity which means your gift will be exempt from Inheritance Tax and SJT will receive the full amount. Please make sure you discuss this with your solicitor.
“More than any other theatre, SJT is the one that has given me the greatest pleasure and gives me the keenest anticipation when each programme comes out. It even led to me buying a property in Scarborough! So it seems natural to want to give something back and give this pleasure to others in the future.”
Roger Crowther, SJT Legacy Donor
If you’d like to find out more, contact Stephanie Dattani on 01723 356645 or email Stephanie now.